Well there is nothing better than finding ways to recycle, RAGGEDedge Gear has done that for sails. no need to have all those sails sitting wasting away in your trailer or basement.
Many through them away or try to sell them to whom ever buys your boat, sometimes more often than not they are thrown away.
Their story.
We are a family company. RAGGEDedge started out as one of Susan's wild hairs; one more way for her to use her sewing & design skills for an exciting new project. We started to sail, and she started to make bags for us out of used sails. By request, and by word of mouth, RAGGEDedge gained a following of people who wanted unique, colorful, one-of-a-kind gear. That "project" has long since outgrown its closet space and has evolved into the company that exists here before you today.
We delight in our smallness. Design and quality outrank quantity. Small means that we happily produce limited edition runs of our gear and then move on to another idea we've got working. It means that our gear is fresh, always evolving. New designs, new colors, and new projects are the lifeblood that we thrive on.