Sometimes products cross over and find uses in different areas, being active with your kids will help decrease obesity in our country, obesity in kids and adults is reaching into the billions of dollars for our health insurance. If you are scared to have your children wondering outside then this device from Ion-kids could be the solution.
"Base Unit:
This small, easy to use device is used by the parent or guardian to monitor the location of the Wristag wearer. The Base Unit, a handheld device, allows parents to monitor up to four Wristags simultaneously.
This specially designed, tamper- and water-resistant bracelet is worn by the child. The Wristag is designed to be fun to wear and requires no interaction on the part of the child. ionKids Wristags adjust to fit snugly against your child's skin, and contain a strong locking mechanism that cannot be easily opened without a key, which comes with the Base Unit.
How They Work Together:
Wristags transmit a signal to the Base Unit from up to 350 feet when outdoors and up to 200 feet indoors. Because it uses a point-to-point wireless communication system, the ionKids Wristag does not rely on cell towers or satellites to locate your child-so cloud cover or a building's roof will not prevent you from finding your loved ones.
Additionally, every few seconds, ionTechnology simultaneously changes the transmission frequency, Wristag ID and corresponding information in the Base Unit, significantly reducing the chances that a third party can scan or monitor a child's Wristag. In addition, each communication between an individual Wristag and its Base Unit will be transmitted on a different frequency, making it possible for multiple Wristags to be used in the same close environment without transmission interference. "
Goto Ion-kids to see the falsh interactive demos and learn more about how to track your kids.