This is by far the best idea for the iPhone/Blackberry!
If you read through most of the reviews they are favorable and some even offer improvements but why, hook up a Bluetooth headset and you are good. if you want to surf take it our of your pocket. You could also poke a small hole through the top and plug your headset in, problem solved.
The only thing that could be added is a money click on the outside, hey I have needs too.
A product that doubles as a wallet and carrying case for the iPhone is here. The iPocketWallet is a new product for current iPhone users who have been longing for a way to carry around their money, credit cards, and iPhone all in one convenient package. All of the current iPhone cases on the market are suffering from one problem, BULKINESS. These products are all composed of thick leather, belt clips, and buckles. This type of packaging defeats the purpose of buying a phone that was manufactured and intended to be less than half an inch wide! iPocketWallet solves this problem by providing its owner with a comfortable wallet that fits easily inside your pants pocket.