Friday, September 16, 2011

Bike Rack Meets Garage, Not Any More!

Some of have done this, some have done it multiple times and yes the description on the picture is about how you feel. Forget about putting a cone in front when you leave, stickers on the outside of the door as a warning, the Headsup system is your answer. 

Bikes. Kayaks. Roof-rack gear. The HeadsUp System is a new, smarter way to protect them all from getting racked. It's a garage-mounted wireless gear alert system that detects when you return home with gear on the roof. When HeadsUp senses your gear, the system alerts you to STOP - so you don't drive into the garage with your gear still on the roof.

The HeadsUp System is a wireless system that keeps you and your gear from getting racked. Just one distracted moment coming home can cause thousands of dollars of damage to your gear, vehicle and garage, so let the HeadsUp System watch out for you.
The system includes an LED alert sign that mounts in your garage, tiny wireless tags that go on your gear, and a wireless alerter that sits in your vehicle. When you return home with your gear on the roof, the alert sign lights up in your garage and the alerter sounds a tone inside your vehicle - reminding you to stop and unload your gear before driving into the garage!