Being a mountain biker at heart and a Triathlete for the extra added challenge when I came across this site I was extremely excited. Hans Ray former trials riding world champion, a showman, a stuntman and an adventure mountain biker. He has traveled the world extensively; riding his GT mountain bikes, over and through areas previously considered unrideable. All the while, capturing the cultural, scenic, and spiritual aspects of these exotic locations; and always in search of something mystical or historical. Hans has now opened a indoor mountain bike park that is incredible. It is in Cleveland OH the season runs from October 18th through April 16th, what a way to spend the winter months in Cleveland. I contacted Hans about franchising and unfortunately he was unavailable to offer franchising at this time. He would however come out and help set one up for a fee I am sure,but I really wanted to have his name on the side of the building to help attract young riders.
Check it out! Rays Mountain Bike Indoor Park
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