Now Fiskar makes some cool stuff but a lawn mower, hey at lest it must be sharp. The Fiskars® Momentum™ mower combines patent pending technology with superior ergonomics to deliver a reel mower with best in class cutting performance for a superior mowing experience.
InertiaDrive™ Technology: Combines a large diameter cutting reel and heavy blades to store energy (like a flywheel) until a burst of extra cutting power is needed.
• 2X More Cutting Power: Delivers twice the energy to power through small twigs, weeds, or dense grass that would jam other reel mowers.
• 30% Easier to Push: Advanced technologies reduce cutting system friction, provide optimal blade positioning and deliver extra cutting power to reduce push force by 30% in long grass.
StaySharp™ Cutting System: Precision engineered to cut grass without the blades touching – greatly reducing friction & blade wear.
• Long Lasting Performance: Delivers enduring performance without the need for annual sharpening by cutting grass without the steel-on-steel contact that dulls standard reel mowers.
• Best in Class Warranty: 4-year warranty is longer than any other reel mower warranty.
VersaCut™ Design: Positions the cutting reel forward and uses a long wheel base to provide maximum cutting versatility.
• Greatest Cut Range (1” to 4”): Delivers the greatest cut range of any reel mower – with cut height settings from 1” to 4”. The 4” maximum cut height is vital when you miss a week of mowing.
• Closest Side Edging: Edges three times closer than other reel mowers & never leaves uncut strips under the wheels.
Might not classify as full blown exercise but push mowing any lawn will do the trick.