Special thanks goes to Gizmag for discovering this juicy piece of technology. Dr Martin Becker of the Fraunhofer Institute for Experimental Software Engineering IESE, has developed a chip that uses sensors and actuators to help racing cyclists optimize their performance. There are many different devices out on the market that will measure cadence, speed and power but this one seems to have a different angle. Most of us know that if you want to be on the top of your game you need to be computer monitoring your activity, to see where you are falling short. "Ambient Intelligence will make it possible to constantly monitor and enhance the performance of individual riders and whole teams," says Becker of the Fraunhofer Institute for Experimental Software Engineering IESE in Kaiserslautern. "Each bicycle is fitted with equipment that constantly registers the forces acting on the pedals. Further significant factors are the riderÂs pulse andpeddlingg frequency, the speed and the gradient. All these readings are collected in a processor on the bicycle and radioed to a central processing unit where they are analyzed. The computer delivers individual training recommendations to each rider: He can view them on a display mounted on the handlebars or listen to them over headphones. To enable the cyclists to retrieve information on demand while riding, the Hungarian research team is developing an adaptive component that recognizes voice commands even when they sound distorted due to physical exertion."
Check it out! Smart technology for racing cyclists