Thursday, June 05, 2008

LifeSaver Bottle

Best of the year 2007 Men Journal, that says something, LIFESAVER bottle – Solves Drinking Water Needs of India’s Flood Victims.
This is a great device PERIOD, not unlike the LifeStraw this is a bottle that has the filtration built in, it will remove bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungi and all other microbiological waterborne pathogens without using chemicals like iodine or chlorine which leave a distinctive foul taste. Soldiers use this device, flood victims are using this, every household should have one of these.
The LifeSaver bottle could not be easier, dip, suck, filter, drink. Image below show how easy the process is.

Now go get one.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Surfers Healing, A Foundation for Autism

Autism has been on the rise every year and now reports suggest 1 in every 150 American children, and almost 1 in 94 boys will be born with a form of Autism. If you are into the outdoors and if you are reading this blog there is a good chance you are, surfing is one activity that brings the sense of freedom and relaxation to mind. Well Sufers Healing Autism is one great cause.

"Surfers Healing was founded by Israel and Danielle Paskowitz. Their son, Isaiah, was diagnosed with autism at age three. Like many autistic children, he often suffered from sensory overload-- simple sensations could overwhelm him. The ocean was the one place where he seemed to find respite.
A former competitive surfer, Israel hit upon an idea--with Isaiah on the front of his surfboard, and Izzy steering from the back, the two spent the day surfing together. Surfing had a profound impact on Isaiah. Israel and Danielle decided they wanted to share this unique therapy with other autistic children. They began to host day camps at the beach where autistic children and their families could be exposed to a completely new experience of surfing."

Please check it out!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Ultimate Survivor in a Bottle Kit

Not sure Bear Grylls carries one of these, but the rest of us should. Since it is shatter resistant it might not be BPA, but would you care if you needed this to survive, every thing has perspective.
Prepare for life's unexpected adventures with this compact survival kit – in a bottle.


1 32 oz. water bottle
1 carabiner
1 multi-function tool
1 multi-function whistle/compass
1 flashlight
2 batteries
1 survival blanket
2 hand warmer packets
1 candle
1 box of waterproof matches
1 emergency poncho
1 20 piece first-aid kit
1 reusable zipper-lock bag
This 32 oz. shatter resistant water bottle contains essential items for any emergency.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Nutcase, protect the dome!

Project the dome, no matter what, protect the dome. With all the extreme sports that we all do Nutcase has the right helmet for you. The best part is that they fit kids and adults, you can hang with your kids and not look like you are doing the Tour de France, embarrassing yourself and your kids.
Go protect your Nutcase.

Friday, May 16, 2008


For those with tiny wrist or don't like the feel of rubber against you skin, then the Maratac "S-Series" Zulu Bands is for you. Now a days watch bands are pretty comfortable and easy to get used too but if you have small wrist the band gets bunched up and is always hanging on something. These can be trimmed since they are nylon and what is nice is they have two rings to hold the strap in place. Another advantage is the band goes through the pin, in case one pin lets go you won't lose your watch like traditional watches. If you are really using your Polar there is a good chance it will get hung up on something pop the pin and by, by $300+ watch, the Zulu watch band is only $17.00.
Check them out. Maratac "S-Series" Zulu Bands

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

RUSH, Action Camera

Camera's, camera's everywhere and yet we have another one. The RUSH by Martin Ruegg hopes to better the odds of more people capturing stupid, sometimes useful footage. Hey for training and finding where you might be doing something wrong video camera's are great, still they are better for capturing going over the handlebars or even your Mate taking a dive.
"An innovative sport camera for unlimited action during all kinds of sport. The camera is waterproof and has a shock-resistant body. The quintessence of RUSH is the multifunctional attachment tool, composed of three specific parts. In order to activate the camera in any situation, the trigger is placed at the finger and can be pressed with your thumb.
The idea behind this design is to motivate people who enjoy sports to experiment. RUSH hopes to inspire users to experience the dynamics of sports from a unique perspective.
A project by Martin Ruegg."

Friday, May 09, 2008

Relax, enjoy some old time sidewalk surfing.

Sometimes leaving the iPhone or Blackberry behind is not such a bad idea. The Arbor Pocket Rocket allows you to do just that. Arbor brings back memories of when you were a kid assuming you were born in the late 1960 early 70's, just cruising around waiting for your mom to call you in for dinner.
It has Gullwing trucks and a bamboo deck, for those thinking to much about the environment while you should be enjoying the day letting all trouble float away.
"The Pocket Rocket is a compact mini cruiser built for snappy, thread-the-needle maneuverability and all around stashability. Made from 100% top quality bamboo, an amazingly renewable, environmentally friendly material. It's incredibly strong; yet light, flexible, and resistant to compression. Resilient with a clean, Zen flavor. Length: 26"; Wide Point: 7.25"; Wheel Base: 14"; Wheels: 65mm-78a"; Trucks: Gullwing 9"; Shape: Concave. Arbor."

Thursday, May 08, 2008


OK summer is almost here and what better way to kick it off, no matter what your age, then a SUPER SOAKER. There are so many models to choose from, but when they start to look like Paintball guns you have to appreciate getting wet. Store up as many 2 Liter bottles as possible fill them with water and when one runs out screw your reserve on. No more running to a pool of water or facet to get things going again.
"Make almost any plastic bottle (not included) your water supply! No more trips to the hose for a recharge – fill as many plastic bottles as you can carry with clean, clear tap water. Attach bottles (up to two liters!) to the blaster and launch a soaking blast to targets up to 20 feet away with every pump! It’s non-stop soaking fun, anytime, anywhere!"
Also at $7.99 you can't lose just don't buy that triple shot mochachino at Starbucks for one day and problem solved.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Dive, Dive, Heads Up Display!

Things change in every area, military comes to the normal John. This really does change things. Every once in a while a revolutionary product comes along that changes everything. The DataMask is not just about having a computer in your mask – it is about the many practical benefits provided by truly “Hands-Free” diving.
"The DATAMASK contains a miniature liquid crystal display (LCD) panel, proprietary Digital Optic System, microprocessor, depth transducer, wireless cylinder pressure receiver, diver replaceable battery, and controlling software. The miniature LCD allows you to keep your eyes focused on the dive while presenting critical dive data including: current depth, elapsed dive time, cylinder pressure, and dive time remaining. The Digital Optic System provides a clear, highly magnified image of the LCD, which is viewable regardless of environmental conditions and may be seen clearly by the vast majority of people, regardless of vision."

Monday, April 28, 2008

GPS Tuner - Offroad Navigation

If you send more time off road, via running, biking, walking, hiking, etc., and you have a watch GPS that keeps you data then you might want to look at this software.
GPS Tuner is an off-road navigation software for Pocket PC devices. While most car navigation software gives you the possibility of planning your route based on a road network, GPS Tuner gives you the ability of navigation where the roads end.

GPS Tuner is an excellent tool for hiking, geocaching, boating, flying, driving and many other sporting activities, where the monitoring of duration, distance and speed can be important.

If you are in possession of our 'Geo license' with extended features, the Area Calculation function is available to you, which makes it easy to measure perimeter and area. All you need to do is activate GPS and walk (or drive) around the boundary. The created area (shape) can be saved, exported in DXF format and even reloaded.


English, German, Italian, Spanish, French, Dutch, Portuguese, Dansih, Czech, Swedish, Norwegian, Slovakian, Russian, Hungarian, Finnish, Afrikaans, Romanian, Japanese, Chinese, Korean
Units and National Grids
Selectable Metric, Imperial or Nautical units
24 National Grids are supported (like WGS-84, British (OSGB36), NAD27, NAD83…)

GPS Tuner supports JPG files as maps
Online map downloading from Google Maps, TerraServer, Open Street Map
Easy Calibration on Pocket PC or using Desktop Map Calibrator (free) program
Auto map loading feature
Zoom and Pan by pen or joystick
Flexible layer and track/route display
Distance measuring and route defining by drawing on map
Map image rotation according to your heading in 90 degrees steps
Blank map support

Navigation, Digital Compass
Real time rotating compass with big target arrow
Sun's direction
Custom target from entered coordinate
Any waypoint, trackpoint or point of map can be selected as target
6 different types of Compass views
38 selectable Compass tools
Voice navigation and next turn indication for routes

Trip Computer
Monitor your whole trip
Save, Load and Reset is possible
31 selectable Trip Computer tools
Graph for Altitude and Speed
Selectable tool window size
Push track data into Trip Computer to get a full track analysis
Speedometer with speed limit warning

Waypoints, POIs, Track, Routes
Waypoint, POI: GPX, LOC, KML, SDF files supported
Track, Route: GPX, TRK, KML, SDF files supported
Data exchange with Suunto X9i/X9Mi GPS watch (wristop computer)
Track recording by configurable Auto, Time or Distance interval
View your waypoints and tracks in Google Earth directly (KML export/import)
Flexible waypoint management
You can easily convert track to route and reverse the direction of route
Area Calculation feature is also available in our Geo version

NMEA recording
NMEA playback (with selectable speed)
You can jump to any position of NMEA file (skipping unnecessary data)

GPS Share
Share your position in real time with other users
See your friends position displayed in GPS Tuner
Monitor your (and your friends’) position on your web browser
Ideal for personal and vehicle tracking purposes
SMS interface

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Learn to Kayak

Kayak Paddling is a multi language, several chapters, just a wealth on information for the paddler in you from beginner to advanced. You would find a site like this on most corporate intranet sites, even Lynda but just for general knowledge, Kayak Paddling is incredible. Full flash based so it's just not one image to the next, the kayak actually bobs in the water. Each Chapter has many sub chapters that you can run right through. Explains boat dynamic, parts, nomenclature, even keyboard controls.
Just plain Awesome.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

SkullLink Hydro Pack

Some packs are good at carrying stuff, other hydrate you, the best ones do the both and then combine useful features. Finally, connect your music with your phone! With just a click of the button, find out which plug type you need and choose your headset style.
It has an iPhone connection built in as well as bluetooth. Hammering down a trail listening to music, the phone rings music dampens and the voice comes through. This pack is stylish and can be used year round. The best is that you can really use it for anything from the woods to the city, what a great pack.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Not to say that it has come and gone but let do a couple things for the year a make a big difference.
1) lights in your office, go to motion switch
2) Pick up a Grocery Bag and use it every time you shop instead of paper or plastic (Ikea blue bags are the best and big)
3) Bike at least one day to work
4) Turn the background of your desktop to black, less energy used. Did you know that a cathode ray tube (CRT) monitor uses about 74 watts to display an all white web page, but only uses 59 watts to display an all black page?

Easy and simple adjustments to all peoples life's. You don't need to be a tree huger or environmentalist to do your part. Simple less stand out changes make a bigger difference.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Wooden Surfboards, a not so thing of the past.

With Clarks Foam stopping the production of the surfboard blanks, were will boards come from. Well a not so thing of the past, wooden boards. Hess Surf Boards are cranking out wooden boards and they are just as good and will last longer than foam filled (they can send me one anytime). The timeless art of making boards and the quality that goes into making a wooden board is not much different, once you get the pieces of different wood together. Once that is done shaping time. Technology can make many things better but the classic wooden board will make time stand still. Hey since GREEN is a hot topic well this meets all standards.
The weather is upon us.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

A new way to see while biking at night, REELIGHT

Remember when you where a kid, a light attached to your front fork and then tilted in, rubbing against your tire, bingo light. Well finally someone has come up with a better lighter less drag, way. Reelight is Danish design and Danish technology.
The lights are based on the electrodynamic induction principle, and work when you screw two magnets on the spokes and fix the light to the wheel’s hub. Electric current is then produced when the magnets pass the light, which incorporates a spool of copper wire. The light then flashes every time the wheel rotates. Simple, effective and ingenious.
Check it out...